Monday 30 December 2013



There is a huge problem in all perhaps, and that does face Egypt today too. This does not speak only of the present Political turmoil that Modern Egypt in all is facing, but in many a way truly even, just what the term Modern and in 'Modern Egypt' too, does truly in many a way in all, actually mean. In many a way, it does speak of just how Egyptians today, do envision Family life that is. That in all again, Egyptian life in all, is today and as with speak of the Family too, is truly in many a way even, centered in all, and as based around Siblings too that is. All this becomes more volatile, when you add the very fact that, Egyptian Families in all again, and as with Modern Egypt too, are based around a culture of Physical Bodies actually [and as with defining Manhood even, and even Womanhood too, and primarily from the very perspective of Physical Prowess for instance].

All this though, is not true to the Egyptian past, and where Family in all again, was centered around what they do term Kindred actually; and as with all this too, going with defining Family in Egypt, and as based around Egyptian Speech actually, and even Egyptian speech patterns too that is.