Thursday 18 September 2014



To speak of Modernity and Egypt today, is to perhaps speak and of just how Egyptians in all, do define what some could term, Prominence [or the High-Profile too].

That Egypt, and as Historically said a highly politically charged State in all, does in all even speak and of the aspiring, and for a High Status, in Egyptian society, such that, Egypt in all (and as now said or termed 'KMT' or even Kemet too), does see to it, just about all its peoples, aspiring to be defined in all again, and along the lines of a High-Profile Status that is [and as including speak of Egyptian Guards too for instance][Link1, Link2].

In speaking of Egypt and as above, one cannot truly perhaps in all, fail to perhaps ponder, the very belief, Egyptian too, and that History in all again, and as with regards and to speak of Status in all, did very well come to an end, and in the rather ancient times too that is [that the Titles believed said associated with the ancient World, do in all even triumph, those seen in Renaissance Europe too for instance].

Just how then in all, should one truly think, and of Status and the High-Profile, and in an Egypt today, and where such beliefs in all and of a High-Profile life, are said and to speak of a Global, International or even Worldly Consciousness that is [that the average Egyptian today, could very well face many a feeling and as having to do with shame, and on upon their mentioning, their Egyptian racial status/heritage that is].

In many a way, Egypt in all, has attempted to define itself and as with regards to the above, and in the more recent times too, and in speak of the Middle East and the Mediterranean region too that is. That Egypt in all, does at the very least attempt to create a High-Profile Status, and in the above mentioned region in all, and via speak of Modern Egyptian Media that is.

What of the more popular route, and of creating a High-Profile Status, and in speak of Commerce, Business, Trade and even Knowledge Gathering too that is. Egypt in all, dismally, and to the Blogger here too, pathetically even, associated, and with speak of COMESA that is.

Perhaps, a whole new view and for Egypt today, and in the name of humour and the redefining of Modern Egypt's Memory too, and as with it even said and to speak of the Six-Day War that is, and as with regards in all again, and to just how best to define High-Profile Status in Egypt today, and in speak of Mythos too that is, and that does even perhaps speak of Egyptians, and as somewhat recognizing the following Cities, and in speak of Mythos, and in the form of Fiqh too that is: 

Cairo, Nairobi (Link1, Link2), New Delhi and Tokyo.