Friday 30 January 2015

The Later Egyptians

The Later Egyptians.

The header of this very entry, 'The Later Egyptians', could be considered, a misnomer of a kind, and in speak now and of what is believed said to constitute, and for Egyptian History, and in Length or Breadth too that is. The belief here, and in speak too of many a famed Scholar, and such as Mary Lefkowitz for instance, that the Egyptians of today, are said not truly whom they are, and in speak too and of Conduct in itself perhaps [Link].

In helping one truly perceive or understand all this better, is to perhaps ponder in all, why many a said Egyptian today, would actually care to be Egyptian in all, and in speak and of those who do often put out a view, and that does say, Egypt, was very much the first, and of all Civilizations. The question that does then follow, does ask, 'Why would any person today, very much declare themselves Egyptian?'. 

From the very perspective of the Blogger here, Egypt now, very much said History, and in speak of the absence in all, and of the Pharaonic Class (and as said Structure too). That Egypt, and in Memory, now believed said tied, intimately, and in speak too and of the very lives, and of the Pharaohs of Egypt that is. There are those though, who would declare, that the Egyptian Priesthoods, do in all live on, but in speak of Egypt as such, speak now, and of it in Consciousness, and in speak and of what can be said to truly constitute, and for Egyptian Symbolism that is [for Egyptian Symbolism in all, is often said paired up, and with speak of Egyptian Timelines that is].

Egypt though, is believed said, too many a thing. For Egypt in many a way, can only truly be best understood, and in speak of its Languages/Tongues, and which in all, are actually truly believed to speak, and of Egypt in itself, and in Length and Breadth that is [that Egyptian History, is now said only understood, and in Length too perhaps, and as with regards and to speak of Egyptian Languages/Tongues, and which can, and in the very least too, be said referential in their ways in all, and in a manner/way, English, is said not to be][English and Egypt - Link].

In all again, just whom/who in all, are the Later Egyptians, said to be, and in speak and of those, who would very much too declare, Modern Egyptians so to speak, very much Syrian in their ways/manners [and in speak of Communications too that is]. That in speak of Egypt and from an European perspective, just whom/who in all are Egyptians today, and in Heritage? In speak of Italy, Egypt, and as now discerned and in speak and of many a Bibliography that is [and the very manner Egypt today, is believed said to function that is]. The use of Bibliographies though, is not what it appears to be, and in speak too of Italian History, but in speak of Spain for instance, the very question asked, just whom/who in all are the Egyptians today, and in Media/Art, and away and from that said Middle Eastern too that is. What of Israel? And in speak too of Jerusalem and as said Hebrew? The very question perhaps, and that does ask, whom/who in all are the Egyptians of today, and in speak of many a Conference, Seminar, Forum, Convention, Assembly, Council etc. In speak of the Middle East, a question now and as put out to Egypt, and that does ask, 'Which in all, is believed said the most favorite, and of Egyptian Monuments/Monumentals?' 

Egypt though, and in speak of its problems today, are truly believed said African that is. That many an Egyptian, might in all believe its problems European, and in speak now of Heritage, and the very false belief that, Egyptians in all, have truly 'sold out' so to speak, or forfeited, and on their very Souls that is.

Egypt though, and as said African today, and in its problems, can be said two-fold and in this regard: in Custom, and in Humour too. For speak of Humour in Egypt today, might hint at it, and as said Turkish too, and in speak now of Egyptian History, and as paralleling that said Turkish in all (Link), but it is in speak, and of Egypt, and in Custom, and that does in all even speak of poor relationships between Egyptians, and in speak too now, and of Influence/Persuasion in all, and which does speak too of Africa, and as said at War, and as with it all even all said to speak and of Africans, Muslims, Militants and Adherents too that is.

Egypt today though, and as still believed said very much regarded, does still speak of it, and in speak too of Artifacts, and if not speak of Religious Writings, and which can be said to speak and of the name of A.H.Almaas too for instance, but for those who do believe themselves to be intimate with Egypt, and as probably said Egyptologist too, speak now perhaps, and of a longing, a return to the past, and that does in all even speak of Egyptian Spiritism, and of Egypt, and as distinctively said not Nubian or Libyan either that is.

In all, the very question and of just whom/who in all, the Later Egyptians are believed said to be, and in speak too perhaps, and of the very manner/way Egyptians today, do discern or 'make out' Egyptian Symbolism, the answer to this all, could very well lie, and in speak too perhaps, and of Central Asia that is.