Saturday 22 March 2014



Alexandria, and as with it even said an Egyptian City in all, and that did house what some do term the Alexandrian Egyptian Papacy, and as with they not only Copt too, but a group in all again, and that did come to be designated in all, and as the Keepers, Custodians and Guardians too, and of Egyptian History and Wisdom that is.

In all, Alexandria, and as the City in all again, and as with its History even merging with that and of Sororities/Secret Societies in Greece, and as the Egyptian Papacy in all, said to protect a Body of Knowledge, and which in many a way, did see the very rise even, and of Secret Societies/ Secret Orders, and around the World too in many a way, and as with speak even of the Assassins, the Templars, the Illuminati, and even the Jesuits, and many another not popularly known group too perhaps, and as with all this even truly speaking in all, and of what did actually make for Egyptian History.

That History in many a way, is often presented and from speak even of Kingdoms or Civilizations in all, and those deemed of interest too, and as arising with the form of Knowledge in all again, described above that is. This though, was not actually true of Egypt in all, but to put into a certain clear perspective, is to speak in all again and of just whom Africans in all, and as the Egyptians were, are with basic Intelligence too that is [that they in all again, do think and as based around Classification Systems that is].

In all again, Egyptian Classification Systems, and as very much opening the 'Gates of Hell' perhaps, and as with attempting even to put any kind of Knowledge in all, and into a new Category too, and as with this even not speaking of being a Heretic, but in all ways truly even, speak of opening up one, and into new avenues of Thought in all, and via the bringing of different bodies of Knowledge together [and as with speak even of the Interdisciplinary, or even the Multidisciplinary too].

In man a way though, it can be said that it was the Templars in all, and probably many another group too, and that did put this kind of Knowledge/Wisdom and into great use, and as with this even speaking of creating a whole new Religion (Christendom), and also whole new ways of living [and as with speak even of Templar Music, and Italy in itself too, and as helping giving birth even and to what some do term Antiquity in itself actually] [Templar Music and with some Victorianism in it too (Link)], but that in all ways even, while the Greek World did in all invent the Classical World, there is a problem and as with regards to just how best to classify Egyptian History, and as speak even of the Classical does not work and outside Greek Cultural influences in Egypt too [and speak even of the City of Heliopolis too for instance], but that in all ways even, the very use of the term the Ancient World in all, does somewhat work, but with a difficulty in all again in pointing out that, Egyptian Civilization, did appear to be more complex or advanced in all, and in its ways too, and as compared to many another Civilization out there that is [and all this as referring and to its Early Years that is].

In all again, the Ancients, and as having been said even, to hold the Secrets, and to Teleporting in itself too [and as with this even referring in all, and to just how the Ancients in all did perceive life on Earth, and as with speak even of Religion in itself too, and in all again, a competitive view of life on Earth, and with one in many a way speaking of Earthly Pleasures, and the other speaking of attaining in all perhaps, Deep Blissful Unions in all too really, and with Reality and the Gods in themselves too that is (and in many a way too perhaps, the very entry of Djinns for instance, and into Human existences that is)] [Earthly Pleasures and as seen even in the Ancient and Classical World too (Link)].

Finally, Egyptian History in all, and as classified even as being Ancient, Classical and even Antiquity too [and as with the Antiquity here in all even, speaking of Thebes Egypt, and even 18th & 19th Dynasty Egypt too that is].