Sunday 23 March 2014



Many in Egypt today, and as with it even said facing alot of Political Turmoil, do not in many a way truly, look at just how past Egyptians in all, did in all ways think of life, and as lived in Egypt too that is. That Egypt's Political Turmoil today, does not only necessarily speak of Egypt in all, and as viewed from speak of Maps too, but that in all ways even, Egypt's Politics today, are very much Islamic in their ways that is.

To understand all this better, is to know just whom the ancients (Egyptians) truly were in many a way. That in many a way, the ancient and past Egyptians in all, did very much view life and from speak even of Mapping in all (and Maps too), and as with this even referring perhaps and to Political Maps, Geographical Maps, Maritime Maps and even Cosmological Maps too that is.

That the the first of Egyptians, did in all have a Cosmological mapping of Egypt, and as with it even speaking of many a Sacred Site, and in many a way in all again, the very belief in all that, using such Mapping in all, does lead to a way of life, and that does accommodate Magical beliefs in it that is.

Egypt, and as with it even now interacting in all and with Greek Civilization too (and as with the name Egypt known to arise from Aegypt too) [and a Greek term too at that] [and as versus further speak of KMT too for instance], does now even begin to change its Mapping of Egypt in all, and as with it even adopting a Political Mapping in all, and that does see Egypt now, begin to become separate, distinctively too, and from Libya and Nubia too that is.

Egypt though, and as with speak even of Thebes Egypt, does in many a way too, adopt a Geographical Mapping of the place, and as with strongly even identifying Egypt in all, and with speak of the Nile too [and as with this even speaking of it as a highly even Lawful place in its ways, and as with perhaps even, an arising disconcerting mentality in all too, and that the Nile does flow into Nubia, and as with the Nubians said or believed even, truly vile and revolting in their ways that is].

Speak though of Egypt and Maritime Mapping, does speak even of Egypt and as connected to Nubia too, but in all ways even, the very belief that, ancient Egyptians in all, did actually know how to Sail, and as with they even said to have sailed around Africa in all, but with some Egyptians too and from Upper Egypt (and speak of Abydos too), said to have settled in all, and on the Swahili Coast that is.

Having said all the above, is to perhaps put Egypt's present Political Turmoil, and in a new perspective here, and as with it even speaking of Egypt and from the very perspective of Maritime Mapping too in all [and the desire for many an Egyptian, to live out an International lifestyle that is] [and alongside speak of Saudi Arabia too for instance], but that in all ways even, switching to a Geographical Mapping, can in many a way help ease many a tension to be seen in Egypt today that is.