Saturday 29 November 2014

The Egyptian Cobra

The Egyptian Cobra.

The Egyptian Cobra, and in speak too of what does constitute for (National) Aim, and in Egypt that is.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

The Other African

The Other African.

'the Other African' (Link), and as with it all even said a Myth in all, and that does speak even and of 'the African' and as a Antagonist for instance, and as versus speak of Protagonism too that is, and with the African and as said Antagonist (and as with he even said Copt. too perhaps), said believed even, a builder of Civilization, and as compared to speak of the African and as said Protagonist, and as with he even said a Crusader or even Hebrew too (Link), and in speak of (the making of) Civilization that is.

Friday 14 November 2014

Egypt Today

Egypt Today.

- and with it all even referring, and to Egyptian Law, and as said traditionally grounded in all, and in speak of Chaos & Disorder that is.



A said Cereal Drink in all, and that is more or less suited and to the Egyptian/African Taste, and as said Historic in its ways too that is.

Saturday 8 November 2014



Coptic Spiritual Contemplations:

When most in Egypt today in all, do think of themselves and as with regards to (Self/self-) Image for instance, they in all perhaps, cannot fail to think Osiris, Isis, Seth or Horus too that is [and as with they in all even, truly associated in all again, and with Egyptian Festive life too]. In all though, when one does think of Egypt today, and as said Historical in all, and in the above terms that is, it is best in all again perhaps, and to truly think in all, and of Nephthys that is.

Thursday 9 October 2014



This entry in many a way, does have to do, and with speak and of what does constitute for an Egyptian Geneticism (Link), and in speak of a World today, and that does falsely truly believe, that Egyptian Heritages and History too, does very well go along and with speak of World History in itself that is.

That Egyptian Geneticism, does in all even, speak and of just how Egyptians in all, do perceive History, and from speak too and of the 'Account' that is, and as with it in all even said referenced in all, and in speak of many a Historical Event too, or speak too, and of Egyptian definitions in all, and of the Monumental that is [Link].

That Egypt today, does in all even associate Geneticism, and with speak of Napoleon in Egypt that is, and a Geneticism too, and that does in all even see Egypt today, maintain an unrespectable pose in all, and as with regards and to speak of Europe/France too that is.

In all, and in helping perhaps reset many an Egyptian today, and as feeling disempowered perhaps, and in an Egypt too, and just where in all again, Power in all, can now be said truly defined, and in speak of ones Genetic History, and as referring here in all, and to the very term Amazigh for instance.

In all truly, Geneticism, and the Historical Event and as referring and to just how in all, Egyptians today, do perceive Calendars for instance, but that in all ways even, Empowerment in Egypt, can be in all said to speak, and of just how in all again, one does perceive the 'Account', and the Recounting in itself too that is.

Thursday 18 September 2014



To speak of Modernity and Egypt today, is to perhaps speak and of just how Egyptians in all, do define what some could term, Prominence [or the High-Profile too].

That Egypt, and as Historically said a highly politically charged State in all, does in all even speak and of the aspiring, and for a High Status, in Egyptian society, such that, Egypt in all (and as now said or termed 'KMT' or even Kemet too), does see to it, just about all its peoples, aspiring to be defined in all again, and along the lines of a High-Profile Status that is [and as including speak of Egyptian Guards too for instance][Link1, Link2].

In speaking of Egypt and as above, one cannot truly perhaps in all, fail to perhaps ponder, the very belief, Egyptian too, and that History in all again, and as with regards and to speak of Status in all, did very well come to an end, and in the rather ancient times too that is [that the Titles believed said associated with the ancient World, do in all even triumph, those seen in Renaissance Europe too for instance].

Just how then in all, should one truly think, and of Status and the High-Profile, and in an Egypt today, and where such beliefs in all and of a High-Profile life, are said and to speak of a Global, International or even Worldly Consciousness that is [that the average Egyptian today, could very well face many a feeling and as having to do with shame, and on upon their mentioning, their Egyptian racial status/heritage that is].

In many a way, Egypt in all, has attempted to define itself and as with regards to the above, and in the more recent times too, and in speak of the Middle East and the Mediterranean region too that is. That Egypt in all, does at the very least attempt to create a High-Profile Status, and in the above mentioned region in all, and via speak of Modern Egyptian Media that is.

What of the more popular route, and of creating a High-Profile Status, and in speak of Commerce, Business, Trade and even Knowledge Gathering too that is. Egypt in all, dismally, and to the Blogger here too, pathetically even, associated, and with speak of COMESA that is.

Perhaps, a whole new view and for Egypt today, and in the name of humour and the redefining of Modern Egypt's Memory too, and as with it even said and to speak of the Six-Day War that is, and as with regards in all again, and to just how best to define High-Profile Status in Egypt today, and in speak of Mythos too that is, and that does even perhaps speak of Egyptians, and as somewhat recognizing the following Cities, and in speak of Mythos, and in the form of Fiqh too that is: 

Cairo, Nairobi (Link1, Link2), New Delhi and Tokyo.

Friday 29 August 2014

the Pilgrimage

the Pilgrimage.

Everyone in Egypt, is obviously associated, and with speak in all, and of former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, and as with he even said of Nubian extraction too, but falsely so, but speak too in all, and of Egypt's 'reknowed' Muslim Brotherhood Organization too that is. They in all ways even are believed said a Political Group, out to organize Egypt in all, and in speak of a New Political Organization, and that does probably connect Egypt to its past in all, when in reality, it can't be helped here in all and by the Blogger too, and in thinking that, late former President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat, and the Muslim Brotherhood too, (were) are in search, and for a whole new Expression ,and that does speak of Egyptian History, and as said Ancient, Classical and of Antiquity too that is. 

In all truly, a desperate attempt here and to explain an Egypt in all, and that is today in all again, simply said filled with many a Taxi, and in speak too of Political Titles in themselves, and as said Egyptian too that is.


Thursday 28 August 2014

the True Self

the True Self.

- and in speak always, and of said Egyptian Identity too that is, Aten, and as in all said and as grounded in all, and in speak too and of, and of the said defining too that is, and of the said Long-lived in itself too that is.

Thursday 3 July 2014

the Obi Obata

the Obi Obata.

The Obi Obata, a 'little' Oracle said African, but very much Egyptian too, and as serving in all again, and as an inspiration, and as with regards to speak of Figurative speech, and this very Blog too that is.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

17th Dynasty Egypt

17th Dynasty Egypt.

17th Dynasty Egypt, and as with it even said Hyskos too, but an Egypt in all, and that can be said to speak of an Egyptian Concurrent Memory, and as with it even a Dynasty too, highly Media driven, and a Media too, and that does speak even and of the above displayed work that is.

Friday 30 May 2014

the Neter

the Neter.

The Neter, and speak even and of Egyptian Identity, and as said basic too, and as with it in all again, said grounded in all, and in speak of Ritual & Worship too [and further speak even, and of the Egyptian Races, and Egyptian Land and Soil too that is].

Sunday 18 May 2014

the Egyptian Priesthoods

the Egyptian Priesthoods.

The Egyptian Priesthoods, and as with they in all even, responsible in all again, and for defining and training in all perhaps, Egyptian Labour & Workforces, and as with all this not only referring and to the building of the Pyramids at Gaza too perhaps, but Labour & Workforces, truly African in all really, and as with furtherly stating that, Egyptian Racial Identities, are often falsely associated, and with the (building of the) Pyramids in all, when in reality, Egyptian Racial Identities do in all go along and with Egyptian Religio-Political Identities, and as with they in all even, speaking of the varying natures in all, and of the Egyptian Gods/Goddesses that is [and as with problematically stating that, Egypt's most famous God in all, Anubis, was actually of Greek origins that is]. In all, Egyptian life, and as truly grounded in all again, and in speak of the Egyptian Priesthoods that is.

Saturday 12 April 2014



The term Asantehene, is known to many a person, and as said even to speak of the Ashanti Kingships in all. This is not true in most or all ways even, and as with Asantehene even, and as with regards to Ghana, mainly speaking of the Akan actually.

Asantehene in all ways though, is believed said to arise and with speak even of Nok Civilization in all, and in many a way even, simply actually speaks of Political Organization, Religious too, and which in many a way in all, was adamant that Civilization in all again, does arise and in Africa too that is.

In all ways even, Asantehene, and as now Nok too, does see in all the very rise of Civilization in Africa, and as taking the names of Nok, Songhay,.Mali/Timbuktu, the Almohad/Almoravid Spain, Benin, Kanem-Bornu in Chad (and the very world even of the 'Mad Mullah' too), the Hausa City-States, Buganda in Uganda, the Sokoto Caliphate and other African 'Islamic' Caliphates and as including the Fatimid Caliphate too, and even further speak of Dervish States to be seen all over Africa that is.

In all, a different way of thinking of African History, and as with speak of those in all, and who do associate African Civilization and outside Egypt and with Numidia too, while another group in all, does also speak of Nubia, Meroe, the Kongo Kingdoms, Aksum, the Congo and even the Oyo Yoruba States too that is.

Furtherly more, speak even of the Solomonic world in Africa, and as with speak even of Abyssinia in all, and further speak even of Yemen, and as part of Africa too that is [and as with Ethiopia on the otherhand, and as versus Abyssinia too, more or less Christian Medieval in its ways actually] [but with Abyssinia too, still very much Christian and Solomonic too that is].

More speak of Africa, now does speak even of the Swahili City-States, and as merging with Oman too, but the biggest mystery still does remain, and as with regards to just whom in all, was actually behind the building of Great Zimbabwe that is [but with further speak even and of the Swahili Arab world, and even the very world of Portuguese Moors in Africa too that is].

In all ways though, just whom were the Asantehene in all? In many a way, their ambitions do speak even of 21st Dynasty Egypt [Link], but that in all ways even, it does speak of their attempts in all, and in simply in all again, find their Place, and in Africa, and also World History in many a way too actually [and as with further speak even of 21st Dynasty Egypt too that is].

Thursday 10 April 2014

Egyptian Ancestries

Egyptian Ancestries.

Egyptian Ancestries, and as with they not only referring and to very world even of Egyptian Ancestor Worship and Veneration, but in many a way too, speaking of Class Differences and in Egyptian History too, but furtherly more, speak even of the history of Invasions into Egypt, and in later times too, and as with this even referring to speak of Mamluks (Central Asian), Libyans and even Turks too actually.

Friday 4 April 2014

Egyptian Artisanship

Egyptian Artisanship.

Many living in Egypt today, and as with further speak even of Egypt's more or less present Political Turmoil, do in all wonder what does constitute for Development in all, and in Egypt today that is. That Egyptians in all, do believe in being connected to their past, and with all this at the very least speaking of Egyptian Heritages that is [but with not too much talk of development along these lines, and despite the fact that speak of Development in the Modern World today, does in many a way even speak of Heritages that is].

In many a way, Egyptians today do appear to be misguided in all and in speak of the Future [and as with it even said to speak of Development in all], and as with furtherly even attempting to identify truly, and with Egypt's Memory in all again [and as with further speak even of many a Museum in Egypt today], and as with Egyptians in many a way even attempting to ground Development in Egypt today, and with speak of Egypt's Memory too that is.

The above manner though and of thinking of Development in Egypt, is not truly worthwhile in its ways [or even accurate in all], and as Development and throughout Egypt's History, has always been based around speak of Presences in all [and as with speak even of Egypt and as said a Heartfelt place too that is]. That in all again, once in Egypt, one is in many a way even acquainted and with the Presence even and of the Egyptian Past, and as with speak even of the Pharaohs of Egypt too, and in all ways even, a difficult situation perhaps, and as with regards to the question of Development, and as with it all even said to match or surpass and in Presence too [and further speak even of Symbolism too], and of the Egyptian Past that is.

In all ways even and as with associating in all, Egyptian Development today, and with Local or Regional Identities, is to in all ways even perhaps, speak of Creative Thought here in all again, and as with it even said referring in all and to Artisanship too [and even Local/Regional Symbolism that is], and that Artisanship in Egypt today, can truly help and in all again creating Presences, and via the basing of Development in all, Local too, and as based around the creating of Symbolism in all perhaps, and that does speak even of Egypt's past, and as based around speak of Presences too that is [that Jewelry in all for instance, does go with certain Behaviour, and that does at the very lest even, speak of Acknowledging in all, Egypt's Past, and as with speak even of Political Presences too that is].



For many an Egyptian Today, and as recognizing in all even that, they are truly in Egypt in all, and don't care to be anywhere else much in all again, might have heard of the Swahili term Tabia. In all ways even, it does speak of the Behavioural in us, and as with telling many an Egyptian today that, feeling at Home in Egypt today in all, does not necessarily speak of Egyptian Symbols, but in all ways even and of knowing of what does truly constitute for Egyptian Tabia, and as with it even said changing with the Times, and it all even basically speaking of everyday Egyptian Intelligence too that is.

Saturday 29 March 2014



America, and as said even a place in all again, and whose position and as with regards to History in itself, and as with speak even of ancient Civilization too in all, is not well understood and by most that is, and as with telling one that, it is best in all again to view North American and the History of the Americas too, and from speak even of Mexico too that is.

Sunday 23 March 2014



Many in Egypt today, and as with it even said facing alot of Political Turmoil, do not in many a way truly, look at just how past Egyptians in all, did in all ways think of life, and as lived in Egypt too that is. That Egypt's Political Turmoil today, does not only necessarily speak of Egypt in all, and as viewed from speak of Maps too, but that in all ways even, Egypt's Politics today, are very much Islamic in their ways that is.

To understand all this better, is to know just whom the ancients (Egyptians) truly were in many a way. That in many a way, the ancient and past Egyptians in all, did very much view life and from speak even of Mapping in all (and Maps too), and as with this even referring perhaps and to Political Maps, Geographical Maps, Maritime Maps and even Cosmological Maps too that is.

That the the first of Egyptians, did in all have a Cosmological mapping of Egypt, and as with it even speaking of many a Sacred Site, and in many a way in all again, the very belief in all that, using such Mapping in all, does lead to a way of life, and that does accommodate Magical beliefs in it that is.

Egypt, and as with it even now interacting in all and with Greek Civilization too (and as with the name Egypt known to arise from Aegypt too) [and a Greek term too at that] [and as versus further speak of KMT too for instance], does now even begin to change its Mapping of Egypt in all, and as with it even adopting a Political Mapping in all, and that does see Egypt now, begin to become separate, distinctively too, and from Libya and Nubia too that is.

Egypt though, and as with speak even of Thebes Egypt, does in many a way too, adopt a Geographical Mapping of the place, and as with strongly even identifying Egypt in all, and with speak of the Nile too [and as with this even speaking of it as a highly even Lawful place in its ways, and as with perhaps even, an arising disconcerting mentality in all too, and that the Nile does flow into Nubia, and as with the Nubians said or believed even, truly vile and revolting in their ways that is].

Speak though of Egypt and Maritime Mapping, does speak even of Egypt and as connected to Nubia too, but in all ways even, the very belief that, ancient Egyptians in all, did actually know how to Sail, and as with they even said to have sailed around Africa in all, but with some Egyptians too and from Upper Egypt (and speak of Abydos too), said to have settled in all, and on the Swahili Coast that is.

Having said all the above, is to perhaps put Egypt's present Political Turmoil, and in a new perspective here, and as with it even speaking of Egypt and from the very perspective of Maritime Mapping too in all [and the desire for many an Egyptian, to live out an International lifestyle that is] [and alongside speak of Saudi Arabia too for instance], but that in all ways even, switching to a Geographical Mapping, can in many a way help ease many a tension to be seen in Egypt today that is.

Saturday 22 March 2014



Alexandria, and as with it even said an Egyptian City in all, and that did house what some do term the Alexandrian Egyptian Papacy, and as with they not only Copt too, but a group in all again, and that did come to be designated in all, and as the Keepers, Custodians and Guardians too, and of Egyptian History and Wisdom that is.

In all, Alexandria, and as the City in all again, and as with its History even merging with that and of Sororities/Secret Societies in Greece, and as the Egyptian Papacy in all, said to protect a Body of Knowledge, and which in many a way, did see the very rise even, and of Secret Societies/ Secret Orders, and around the World too in many a way, and as with speak even of the Assassins, the Templars, the Illuminati, and even the Jesuits, and many another not popularly known group too perhaps, and as with all this even truly speaking in all, and of what did actually make for Egyptian History.

That History in many a way, is often presented and from speak even of Kingdoms or Civilizations in all, and those deemed of interest too, and as arising with the form of Knowledge in all again, described above that is. This though, was not actually true of Egypt in all, but to put into a certain clear perspective, is to speak in all again and of just whom Africans in all, and as the Egyptians were, are with basic Intelligence too that is [that they in all again, do think and as based around Classification Systems that is].

In all again, Egyptian Classification Systems, and as very much opening the 'Gates of Hell' perhaps, and as with attempting even to put any kind of Knowledge in all, and into a new Category too, and as with this even not speaking of being a Heretic, but in all ways truly even, speak of opening up one, and into new avenues of Thought in all, and via the bringing of different bodies of Knowledge together [and as with speak even of the Interdisciplinary, or even the Multidisciplinary too].

In man a way though, it can be said that it was the Templars in all, and probably many another group too, and that did put this kind of Knowledge/Wisdom and into great use, and as with this even speaking of creating a whole new Religion (Christendom), and also whole new ways of living [and as with speak even of Templar Music, and Italy in itself too, and as helping giving birth even and to what some do term Antiquity in itself actually] [Templar Music and with some Victorianism in it too (Link)], but that in all ways even, while the Greek World did in all invent the Classical World, there is a problem and as with regards to just how best to classify Egyptian History, and as speak even of the Classical does not work and outside Greek Cultural influences in Egypt too [and speak even of the City of Heliopolis too for instance], but that in all ways even, the very use of the term the Ancient World in all, does somewhat work, but with a difficulty in all again in pointing out that, Egyptian Civilization, did appear to be more complex or advanced in all, and in its ways too, and as compared to many another Civilization out there that is [and all this as referring and to its Early Years that is].

In all again, the Ancients, and as having been said even, to hold the Secrets, and to Teleporting in itself too [and as with this even referring in all, and to just how the Ancients in all did perceive life on Earth, and as with speak even of Religion in itself too, and in all again, a competitive view of life on Earth, and with one in many a way speaking of Earthly Pleasures, and the other speaking of attaining in all perhaps, Deep Blissful Unions in all too really, and with Reality and the Gods in themselves too that is (and in many a way too perhaps, the very entry of Djinns for instance, and into Human existences that is)] [Earthly Pleasures and as seen even in the Ancient and Classical World too (Link)].

Finally, Egyptian History in all, and as classified even as being Ancient, Classical and even Antiquity too [and as with the Antiquity here in all even, speaking of Thebes Egypt, and even 18th & 19th Dynasty Egypt too that is].

Tuesday 11 March 2014

The Harp

The Harp.

The Harp, and as with it even coming to truly represent the name Egypt in all, and as versus speak even of KMT, and the very world even, and of the Pharaohs of ''Lower Egypt'' that is.

Friday 7 February 2014



Those living in Egypt today, must face an obvious difficulty in all, and in living in a Land, and as occupied in all too even, and by the Great Sphinx and Pyramids at Gaza too that is. This in many a way, does speak even and of just how in all, Egyptians today in all again, do define Potential that is. That speak of Egyptians today and as living Reknowed and not Famed or Popular lives truly either, does speak even, and of truly identifying and with the Pharaohs of the past that is [and as with further speak even and of the Pyramids in themselves too actually].

This entry though, does deal in many a way even, and with just how Egyptians in the past, did define Potential in all that is. That in many a way too really, this does speak even and of the world of Egyptian Oracles in all, and further speak even and of Egyptian Oracle readers, and as very much in all again, answering just about any question posed to them, and in a backward fashion too that is [and as with categorically even, telling one just what in all again, is just not truly possible that is].

Egyptian life though, and as speaking even of the ancient times in all, is very much remembered by some, and from the perspective even, and of the Doorway too perhaps [and as with this even speaking of Potential and and in everyday Egyptian life too that is]. The Doorway, and as with it even referring and to just how Egyptian life was lived at the Local level even, and as with it speaking even in all too perhaps, and of Nightlife in Egypt, and as with it very much consisting and of many a Doorway in all, or a building or place in all again too perhaps, and where one in all again, was most likely to meet the most unlikely of Characters in all, and who in many a way too, could very well make ones dreams or wishes in all, a reality, and in one way or another that is.

The above mentioned way of living life in Egypt, is now gone and as with speak even and of those who do still romanticize Egyptian Civilization to this very day, and with later periods of Egyptian life/Civilization in all again, did see Egyptians define Potential in all, and as with speak even of everyday living, and from different perspectives too that is. The first of these, does speak even and of Egyptians and in everyday living even, coming to define themselves and as based around Egyptian Body cultures in all, and as with this even not only speaking of possessing a Physical build in all again, but in many a way even, it speaking of developing what some do term Magnetism actually [the ability to attract and repulse in all, just about anything, and via simply being able to attract and repulse all kinds of people into ones life too that is] [and as with this even speaking of a basic Development philosophy, and in Egypt too that is; that Materiality and even Architecture in itself too perhaps, could very well go and with this culture in all, and of Magnetism too that is].

The second of these, does speak even and of the world of Egyptian Titles in all, and as with all this today in all too even perhaps, speaking of many a Business Management Title/Position, but with all this too speaking even and of the world of Egyptian Arabs in all, but in all ways even, very much referring and to the term 'Pharaoh', and as the highest Title to be seen in Egypt too that is [and as with speak even of Egyptian History too perhaps].

Friday 31 January 2014



Many in Egypt, might have heard of the name Arthur in all. It in all again, is a Name, very much said to go along, and with European History in all too actually. To understand all this better, is to perhaps tell many an Egyptian Man that, Egyptian Women, and who do take an interest and in Europe or European History, very much are interested in all, and in the Arthurian world that is.

Whom were the Arthurians though, or specifically even, Arthur, and the Celts too? To understand whom they were better is to perhaps speak of life, and as it did exist, and before the Arthurians that is [and as with this even speaking of Egyptian life actually]. That in all, life back then and before the Arthurians, did speak of it even and as perceived via Art too, Religious, and as with it even said divided, and into what some do term as Realities, Realms, Spheres of living, and even Settings too that is. It was however the Arthurians in all, or speak even of Arthur and the Celts too, and who did come to define life in all again, and as based around Living Existences that is [and as with speak even and of many an Index, and that does actually attempt to measure Standards of Living, or even Quality of Life that is].

In all again, the Arthurians, or speak of Arthur and the Celts too, did very much define life and as based around Living Existences that is [and as with speak even and of Windsor Castle in England too][Link1, Link2], and in manner that did not go with speak of Technology in all [and as the Modern/Western World in all again, does attempt to define Living Existences, and even Standards of Living or Quality of Life too that is], but in all ways even, defining Living Existences, and as very much having an absence in all, and of all sorts, kinds or varieties even, and of Misery, Sadness, Sorrow or even Regret too perhaps. In all, the Arthurians, and as defining life and as based around Living Existences, not only did come to define just how many a European City was Planned or Designed, and as with speak even of European Cities in all, and as simply evoking glee or happiness, and just by being within them that is.

In all perhaps, speak of the Arthurians, and as very much having come to define the Modern/Western World in all [and as with speak even and of many a Gated Community, that does aspire to provide for a well-off way of living and as with speak even of Psychological Well-being, and being isolated in all, and from all forms of pain or disgust too], but that the Arthurians in all, or even speak of the Celts and Arthur too, and as truly knowing what Misery, Sorrow, Sadness and Regret were, defining lives for themselves, and as with speak of Arthurian Philosophy too, and as very much having an absence in all, and of all sorts, kinds or varieties even, and of Sadness, Misery etc., and as a result, speak of one in all, and as being Eternally Happy too that is [and despite having to Work through the Week for instance].

In many a way, speak of the Arthurians as Wealthy, does speak even and of Sotheby's and in England too for instance [Link], or in many a way even, the Arthurian life, and as not speaking of Shakespeare in all, but in many a way truly even perhaps, of (Thomas) Middleton too actually [Link].

The spirit of the Arthurians, the Celts and especially Arthur too [Link].

Face Value

Face Value.

In spite of everything, lets take things at Face Value.............................or Whateva Man,

This post in many a way, is directed towards many a Man, and especially he even and as said Egyptian too that is. It speaks in many a way, and of the Hypocritical nature of Woman in all, and as with speak even of many an Egyptian Man and as proudly said betrothed in all, and to the Women in their lives that is. That Women in all, and despite what many a Man might think, do not think or perceive in all too even, History, and as it is recorded today in all, and as with many a Man out there, viewing History in itself, and from the very perspective of Intellectual Thought in all (and as with speak even of Machiavelli and 'The Prince'), while Women on the otherhand and as unknown to many a Man, do view History and from the very perspective of Oral History actually [and as with speak even, and of just whom Women in all, are with each other that is].

This post though, will attempt to educate many a Man, and of the very fact that, Western 'Civilization' in all, is in many a way a farce actually. That Western 'Civilization', and as concentrating its efforts and as based around Technology in all, and also Western Philosophy too (it said in all again and to deal and with many a and issue or matter and as pertaining to hate, spite or even the discriminatory too), does fail to take into account, what some do term Evolutionary Thought, and as with speak even and of the failure to realize in all that, and by Westerners too, and of just how Western 'Civilization' in all, does evolve [and as with speak even and of standing the test of Time actually][or even the further belief that, Western Civilization, is already very much in decline, and as with it even said to concentrate, and on a Computers, Computing Power that is].

In many a way, this post will attempt to educate many an Egyptian Man, and of what did constitute for Evolutionary Thought in all, and in the past too, and so that in all again, many an Egyptian Man perhaps, can truly see themselves, and as they truly are today: a dying breed of Man in all perhaps, and from an Evolutionary perspective too that is.

In all again, many a person out there, and as with speak even of Evolutionary Thought, and as miseducated in all, and of just why Humans in all, are still very much alive and to this day that is. That in many a way, it is believed that the Ancient Egyptians for instance, were a people of great understanding and comprehension in all actually. This is not truly false in all, and as the Egyptians were as such, but that in all again, and as with this even believed true of the Italians, the Egyptians in all, did actually truly seek to live life to the max or utmost actually [and as with this even speaking of Egyptian life, and as going along or even matching, the Pyramids at Gaza, or even speak of the Great Sphinx too that is].

What of the Greeks? It is believed in all, that they truly did die out. How so in all? For in many a way really, it was the Greeks that did invent Prose in all (and as with it even taking the very form of Verse or Lyric for example), and what Prose does stand for in all is that, it does speak of describing or explaining something, and to its fullest even, and as with speak even of the Memorable, or even the Sentimental too that is [that in many a way and unknown to most, Prose in all, and as used in the News Media today for instance, and in describing anything, is of a lower quality, and as compared to that seen amongst the Greeks that is (and as with speak even of Oedipus too), and such that, once one in all, is exposed to Greek Prose and as in explaining an account of anything, one will realize that, nothing much does happen anymore, and that can be said to be of interest that is (and as with speak even, and of truly explaining something in all actually)].

It was however the Italians, and were associated with life and Evolutionary Thought too, and from the perspective of great Knowing, Understanding or Comprehending that is [and as something even falsely attributed mainly and to the Egyptians too actually], and as with telling one that, it is known and believed said even, that the Italians in all, did actually know how the Great Pyramids at Gaza were built.

Taking History and as perceived from the above, does speak even and of how we in all do know each other that is [and as with the belief even that, and due to Western 'Civilization' in all too, that we are hugely even disconnected and from the past, and as with speak even of Evolutionary Thought in all too that is].

In many a way though, perceiving History as above, does speak even and of linking Egyptian Civilization, and to Mesopotamia, and even Asia as a whole too [and as with it to this day, and as with speak even of Face Value, speaking in all, and of those who do wish to live life to the fullest in all, or to the max too, and as with this at the very least even, speaking of a dynamic Nightlife that is].

To speak of those who are now gone and dead in many a way, it is to speak of Greek Civilization, and as connecting even and to Egypt somewhat, Greek Macedon Civilization in Central Asia (and as with it now said to speak of Arab Central Asia), and in many a way even, Persian Civilization too [in all, a people who believe themselves very much dead in this day and age, and as with regards to speak of Prose too, and further speak even of the belief that, nothing much of interest, does happen anymore that is].

To speak of Italy and Italian Civilization, is to not only speak of Europe, but in many a way too, of Arab Iraq (and the History of Iraqi Civilization in many a way), the Japans, Christian Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) and in many a way too, what some do term the Federalists States of America (or Federalist America) [and as with it even consisting of Quebec, America as a whole, and Mexico too]. In all, a people in all again, and as with speak even of Face Value too, and as supposed to have lived life and as based around great levels of Understanding, Knowing or Comprehension that is [and as with basic speak even, and of why Jesus would seek to be humiliated and suffer for us all that is], but in many a way in all again, this very world in all, and as having collapsed in many a way, and as with speak even of possessing poor levels of Knowing or Understanding, and as with regards even, and to Humanity in itself too actually [and as with further speak even, and of Images of widespread Slavery that is].

In all, the peoples shaped by the three Civilizational modes and as having similar Faces to each other perhaps, and as with furtherly even, attempting to educate many a person out there, and of African Civilization, and as with it a Humour or at Face Value even, linking in all again, and to Meso-American Civilization actually [and as with Africans, and in Humour, and even Faces, somewhat similar to Meso-Americans], but interestingly enough again, speak even and of not only the Inca in South America, but that in many a way too, what does make South America, South Africa, and even Australia too, similar to each other, does in all ways even, speak of Meso-American Civilization actually.

Finally, the Blogger here, and as with he even very much blogging and from an Evolutionary Thought perspective, truly wondering even, if Civilization does exist anymore [and outside the Car and Television too that is]. That the Blogger, on taking on those who do believe the Television to be a milestone in Human Creativity, does ponder it all truly even, and from the very perspective of Speech and speech patterns too in all, and as with those on Television in most ways, simply known even, and to possess lower Speech or speech patterns, and as compared perhaps, and to a good English Shakespearean Play that is. In all perhaps, the TV, as merely Entertainment in all (and at its heights too), and not Educational truly either that is.

Having said the above, the disgust by the Blogger, and as with regards to Civilization today and as taken from an Evolutionary Thought perspective, does wish in all to proudly proclaim even [and as with speak even of upraising one and in core beliefs too that is], that the place in all, that they do call Kenya, or Kenia truly even, does wish to secede, and from the rest of Humanity that is [and as with even defining oneself, and as a unique Race that is]. What in all, does this truly mean? It in all again, does speak of Evolutionary Thought in all, and as with speak even of the very belief that Humanity today is truly disconnected from its past [and as with speak even of upraising one, and as with further speak even of possessing utmost Confidence, and as in having a 'Backbone' too for instance, and as based around Oral or even Family History too that is].

In all again, and as with speak of this Blog, and those too and that do fall under the 'View My Complete Profile' link on this Blog, or even again speak of an unknown Blog to some out there, and which does go by the name of Americanista Blog too, and which in all does state that, Humanity today, and as disconnected from the past, and with Western Civilization too, best summarized and as based around the Television, the Car, and the Internet too perhaps [and as with it all speaking even of Entertainment in itself too that is], does speak of connecting those who do wish to experience or live out Life and in a Celebratory manner [and not from the perspective of Entertainment either], the belief that, there does exist Higher Civilization out there, unknown to Man in all, and which can only be exposed and via a Spiritual Experience of a kind, and as with this even speaking of the Myth of Atlantis, or even speak somewhat of the works of Jules Verne for instance, and in all ways even, it is left to those who do wish to truly Celebrate life [and not speak of only being truly Entertained, and as with speak of Western 'Civilization' that is], and as all based around Evolutionary Thought too that is [and as with all this playfully even, and as with regards to presentation in itself, speaking of life and as envisioned around an Eternal or Higher Drama even, and as perhaps speaking even, and of Method Man too, and the 'song' Judgment Day that is] [Link].

The Monumental

The Monumental.

Egyptian Identities:

Those living in Egypt today, might find it difficult in all (and as with speak even of He who is known or does go and by the name of Zahir Hawaas too), that most out there, just don't believe that Modern Egyptians in all, to be true descendants, and of the earlier Egyptians that is. This in many a way, very much has to do, and with speak even and of just whom Egyptians today in all, are, and as with regards to the Monumental structures in all perhaps (and such as the Sculptured Work of Art shown above), and as with it all even, truly matching them, Modern Egyptians that is. That Egyptians today, are simply believed to simply live in Egypt, but with no connection in many a way, and to the Monumental works seen in Egypt, and as with they even truly believed to fully embody in all, just what it does mean to be Egyptian actually.

In all, and as unknown to many a person, speak of Egyptians and as disconnected from the/their past in all, does speak even and of their not in many a way, resembling in all, the many a Monumental work, and to be seen in Egypt today too that is [and as with they even simply speaking of the Egyptian past actually].

In all, this does very much speak of the Diatribe in all, and as seen in Egypt today, and which does continue to question, whom is truly or fully Egyptian, and as with speak even of encrouching Influence, and from many an outside Culture too that is.

In many a way though, one does see in all, a manner of representing/presenting Egyptian History and Culture, and from the very perspective of what some do term the Delta Egyptian cultures that is, and as with they even believed said to truly speak of Egyptian History and the rise in many a way even, and of Egypt, and into Civilizational mode that is, when in reality, Egyptian Delta Cultures, do speak of the very fall and decline even, and of Egyptian Culture and Civilization in all that is [and as with this even speaking of Egyptian notions of Shame, and as with regards to the creating of Modern Egyptian Identities, and as said to connect to the Egyptian past that is] [Delta Egyptian cultures].

In all ways though, the very belief that, Egypt and as perceived from the perspective of its Delta cultures, does in all ways even speak of Egyptians today, and as very much disconnected and from their past in all, and as truly even not identifying with the Monumental works to be seen in Egypt, and as a result, Egyptians in all, and as with speak even of Egyptian blood and Consciousness, and as not Identifying in all again, and with each other, and from the very perspective even, and of Local Street cultures too that is.

In all ways though, a difficult problem to solve, and outside speak of Egyptians and as somewhat identifying truly even, and with Greek elements and as to be seen in Egypt that is [and as with speak even and of a lot of Egyptian Media today actually], but that at the very least even, and as with speak even of Local Egyptian Identities, Identity in Egypt, and as with regards to all, and as very much grounded in what some do term Bohemian cultures actually [Link] [and as with the Bohemian, the easiest way to acknowledge that one is in Egypt, and from a Monumental perspective that is].

In all perhaps, and as with speak even of Pop Music and Pop cultures, the very music of Def Leppard, and as very much Bohemian in all, helping Egyptians connect to their past in all again (and as acrimonious as it might be), and from a Pop culture format too, and as with speak even of truly attempting in all and to connect and to many a Monumental work to be seen in Egypt, and from a Pop format too that is [in all, whom are Egyptians today, when they do decide to have a naughty sexual relation with a stranger or friend perhaps, and from a Monumental perspective too that is] [that in all again, they are actually Def Leppard in many a way that is].