Monday 30 December 2013



There is a huge problem in all perhaps, and that does face Egypt today too. This does not speak only of the present Political turmoil that Modern Egypt in all is facing, but in many a way truly even, just what the term Modern and in 'Modern Egypt' too, does truly in many a way in all, actually mean. In many a way, it does speak of just how Egyptians today, do envision Family life that is. That in all again, Egyptian life in all, is today and as with speak of the Family too, is truly in many a way even, centered in all, and as based around Siblings too that is. All this becomes more volatile, when you add the very fact that, Egyptian Families in all again, and as with Modern Egypt too, are based around a culture of Physical Bodies actually [and as with defining Manhood even, and even Womanhood too, and primarily from the very perspective of Physical Prowess for instance].

All this though, is not true to the Egyptian past, and where Family in all again, was centered around what they do term Kindred actually; and as with all this too, going with defining Family in Egypt, and as based around Egyptian Speech actually, and even Egyptian speech patterns too that is.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Picture Frames

Picture Frames.

When thinking in all, and of making ones Accommodation/House a Home in all again, then it is best to center it all and in many a way, and as around Picture Frames too that is.

Tuesday 29 October 2013



Most living in Egypt today in all, might have noticed or realized even, a fundamental differences in all again, and in everyday life in Egypt today too, and as compared to most parts of the World that is. This in many a way even, has to do, and with not only how Reality in all is perceived actually, but in many a way too, just how in all again, Information or Knowledge in all, does flow in Egyptian society that is. That in many another part of the World, speak of Reality in all, and even speak of how Knowledge or Information does flow around  a society in all again, does speak in all even, and of having a perspective of Reality too [and as with attempting truly even, to find out whats going on in the Present, the Moment or the Now actually].

In Egypt though, speak of Reality, and even just how Information or Knowledge does flow around society in all, actually speaks of having a View. In general for instance, this might speak in all again, and of having a Close-up View of something, a Long-distance View, or even a Normal View of things too. In all ways even, this also does speak of Photography for instance, and the various Views that do go with it, and as with stating that, speak of what does constitute Reality in Egypt, or even just how Knowledge or Information does flow in society in all, does speak even, and of what View in all again, it is best to hold in all that is [and even speak again, and of a given Place,Time or Spot too that is].

Monday 28 October 2013



Isis, and in probably one of her better forms in all, and as with speak even and of Isis and as a rather complicated Goddess that is.

Sunday 27 October 2013

The Old Kingdom

The Old Kingdom.

The very rise of Egypt, and in the Ancient times too, and as compared to most other Civilizations in all and that did exist, actually probably does have to do, and with how the Egyptians in all then, did define Primitivity actually. In many a way, to speak of the Old Kingdom and as representing Primitivity in Egypt, is to not only perhaps speak of 'Pharaoh' Narmer in all, but in all ways even, speak of just how the Egyptians then, did perceive issues or matters and as pertaining to Luck, Opportunity and Chance, and as with these three even, grounded in their Religious Beliefs that is [and as with speak even for instance, and of Egyptian Fetishism that is]. 

In all ways even, why speak of Luck, Opportunity & Chance? In many a way perhaps, it probably has to do and with the very belief that, Egyptians traditionally have lived even, rather highly Individual lives that is [and as with this speaking even and of Modern Egypt, and as directly even influenced and by the Egyptian past in all, and from the very perspective of Gender relations too that is] [and as with defining Gender & Individuality in Egypt today, a rather problematic issue, if not one outrightly Political that is] [and as with Gender & Individuality in Egypt today too, based around the 'myth' that, Egypt is not in Africa actually]. In many a way too, this also does speak of what does constitute Egyptian Design in all (and as with speak even of olden Egyptian Cities), and as with it complex even, and from attempting to define what does constitute Uniqueness in Egyptian lives that is. In many a way too, the question does remain and of whether Primitivity in all and as defined above, does play an active role in Egyptian lives today actually [all this and as speaking too, and of Education in Egypt actually].

In all ways even, to probably summarize this, is to perhaps attempt to tell many an Egyptian today that, Egyptian Education, and as representing Primitivity too, does speak of many a former Egyptian Mystery School in all, and as with perhaps stating that Egyptian Education, and as suited for living in Egypt, does in all ways even speak of it, and as grounded even, and in Luck, Opportunity & Chance too that is.

Saturday 26 October 2013

The Rosetta Stone

The Rosetta Stone.

Africa as a reknowed Continent, has nothing to do with its Nature actually, but with the very fact that, it is said to be very much be the home even, and of many a Mystery to do with Life actually. While many another part of the World, speaks of life and from the perspective of truly Knowing it (and as with Asia even), or even truly again enjoying life to the max in all (and as with America or Europe too), Africa in all again, appears to be a Continent, where life in all again, has always been said or believed even, to be all about Self-Discovery in all [and Self-Discovery too, and as with speak even of perceiving oneself as Sacred in all, and as versus speak too of Self-Mastery that is].

In all again, to speak of Africa and many a Mystery of Life, is to for instance speak of the Mountains of the Moon, King Solomons Mines, the Lost City of Gold, and even the Lost Ark of the Covenant too. To help Egyptians today though, realize themselves as such [the total desire to live out life that is], is to in all ways even speak of the Mysteries of Life, and Egypt too, and also in all, and of the Rosetta Stone too actually. That it in all again, is believed something in all, that can teach Egyptians about attaining full Satisfaction and Happiness in their lives, and by knowing that, life in all and as said lived at its fullest too, can be said to be all about living it out, and as with regards to the Precise, or even truly again, speak of Exactness that is.

Wednesday 23 October 2013



When many out there do speak of Life in all, it is often very much presented in all again, and from an Experiential perspective too [and as with speak even of Bliss or Ecstasy that is]. There is however another way, of speaking of Life, and it in all very much has to do, and with defining Maturity in our lives, and the Drama that ensues too. To speak of this from a Civilizational and Historical perspective even, is to first refer to the Greeks, and as having defined Maturity in all, and from the perspective of Expression. Then you do have the Italians too, and who did define Maturity in all, and from the perspective of Presentation.

In Egypt though, Maturity, and as with defining it even, could very well take draconian forms in all. For Maturity in Egypt, did speak in all ways even, and of very much even creating Identities in all, and that could not be Misrepresented. In all ways even, this does also speak of what did constitute Egyptian Drama in many a way, and as with Maturity in Egypt, coming very much to be represented in all, and by many a Temple, Worship House or even Sanctuary too.

In all again, is to tell many an Egyptian today, if there is one facet of Egyptian life and as Historically seen, and that is still very much manifest to this very day, and as with speak even of rightfully claiming Egyptian ancestry in all, it very much has to do and with just how Egyptians did in all define Maturity actually, and as with speak even, and of Misrepresentation that is [and further speak too, and of not only Egyptian Art, but also Egyptian Architecture in many a way].



When one does speak of Egyptian History, and from the very perspective of Longetivity too, one cannot discount in many a way, the rather turbulent even, relations, and that did exist between Egyptian Men and Women too that is. In many a way too, Gender in Egypt, differs from many another place in the World, as it does not in all ways even, speak of relations or manners of relating, and between Men and Women, but instead, speaks in many a way even, and of Egyptian personas, and as with further speak even, and of Gender in Egypt, perceived in all, and from the very perspective too, and of how Egyptian Men and Women, did seek to Present themselves to each other that is [that at just about every moment, Egyptian Men and Women, don't relate to each other actually, but in all ways even, Present themselves to each other in all].

In helping many an Egyptian Man and Woman in all, understand Gender in Egypt in many a way, and Historically too, is to in all ways even state that, it has very much been mythologized, and in speak of Egypt, and as very much said to be the Red Land, and even the Black Land too that is.

Sunday 20 October 2013

Egyptian Customs

Egyptian Customs.

To speak of Customs in all, is to not only speak of just how many a person in all again, do relate with each other, but with this in all again, speaking of such relations in all, as being lawful that is. Egypt in all, is a rather difficult place to live in. This is in all mentioned because, in many another part of the World, relations in all, and as with they even lawful, speaks in all again, and of Speech patterns, Mannerisms & Behaviourism, Dress and even State Policy & Procedure too that is. However though, one finds that the above four mentioned ways of relating in all, and as with speak even of signing a deal perhaps, shopping at a shop, calling up a friend or even creating a work protocol in all, do not work in most and if not all ways even, and in Egypt too that is. That in all again, Egyptian life, and as with speak even of everyday relations in all, and even Marital too, have in all ways even to be pondered or approached in all, and from only the perspective of Social Customs that is [and as with this referring even, to a Husband and on arriving at home, immediately greeting his Wife that is]. 

In all ways even, the very works of John Gardner Wilkinson, and as helping many an Egyptian today connect to their past in all, and as with regards even, and to the formation and creation of Customary life that is.

Saturday 19 October 2013



One does find that, Egypt today in all, and when it does come to Philosophy in itself too, is in many a way even ruled over by Sufism actually. In many a way too, Sufism in Egypt today, appears to attempt to create harmonious environments for all (as with speak even, and of a few as possible, disturbances or interruptions that is), and in many a way, Sufism in Egypt today, is viewed as the proper way in all to live by, and as by attempting in all again to live and without disturbing ones Neighbour too much that is [and as with this even helping stratify Egypt today, and according to old norms of Class in all, and in many a way even, and at the most basic level too, calling into question, and of what does constitute economic opportunity in Egypt today, and as with speak even of not disrupting Economic models already in place that is].

In all ways though, when it does come to Philosophy in all, and speak of Egypt's past too, one in many a way then, is actually talking Alchemy in all. However though, to best understand what does constitute Alchemy and as a Philosophy too, is to also perhaps speak of the very fact that Sufism in all does appear to have its roots in Egypt, but that in many a way even, and from an African perspective too, many in Egypt today might not know of what Sharia, Islam or even Sufism truly has to offer that is. That in all ways even and unknown to most, the potential of Sufism or Islam in our everyday lives, and from an African perspective too, was all about experiencing the greatest/beautiful of moments in all, and not the greatest minute either, or even the belief that Sharia or Islam in all again, can in all ways even bring change to a place, and as with speak even of ushering a new Era or Age that is [and as with this potential in all again, speaking of experiencing the greatest/beautiful moment, and at just about all times too actually].

However though, and with Sufism having its origins in Egypt too, one can in many a way then merge Sufi Thought in all and Alchemy too, and when coming up with a basic idea in all again, and of how to live life in Egypt that is [and as with Egyptian lives in all, heavily based around Individual formations that is]. In all again, when speaking of such Individual formations, and as with further speak even, and of what Dreams in all again, everyday too, to chase in ones life that is, then in all ways even is to refer one, and to the kind of Sufism (it too in many a way even, Alchemical in its ways that is), and as associated with Farid Attar that is.

Sunday 13 October 2013

The Mizmar

The Mizmar.

The Mizmar, and as with it best generally representative even, and of everyday sounds in Egypt today, the general Egyptian spirit too, and also basic Egyptian mentalities in all, and all this as compared, and to the popularity of the Tabla that is.

Friday 11 October 2013

The Sacred

The Sacred.

When we do speak of the Sacred, we are in many a way speaking of viewing the Human in all again, and from the very perspective even, and of a Comparative and Comprehensive Psychology too. This in all ways even, Comparative and Comprehensive, and as with regards to the Sacred too, speaks of what we truly believe to be True, and also what we truly believe to be Valid in all, and respectively speaking too that is.

In all ways even, a question, that of the Sacred too, that does truly even define in all again, Egyptian lives and as seen today too, and as with asking even, what it means to be Egyptian today (Politically speaking that is), how one in all feels about their Realities (and as with speak even of Good & Evil), and also what it means to be Alive that is (and as with this even referring to just how Egyptians today in all, do actually perceive Death, and further speak even, and of Awareness in itself too actually).

In all, when one does think of the Sacred and in Egypt today, let it all then be associated, and with the very world of Thebes Egypt too actually (and speak of Luxor specifically too).

Thursday 10 October 2013



There are those in Egypt, and who do truly wonder, just whom in Africa in all again, they are truly in many a way similar to. And while most continue to believe that Egyptians are very much similar to Libyans and Nubians/Sudan in all, one should in many a way be made aware perhaps that, the Times in all have changed actually, and it can be said that those in Egypt today in many a way too, are actually truly even perhaps, more or less similar, and to those in Mauritania too actually.



There are those in Egypt today, and who do truly wonder what to make of Europe in all. In many a way too, they readily even view Europe, and from the perspective of Paris/France, Frankfurt/Germany and even London/England too. This though, is not the best way for many an Egyptian today, to view Europe in all, as it in all ways even, speaks in all ways too, and of just how Egyptians today, perceive themselves from the very perspective of Background/Employment, Education and even Society/Entertainment too [and as with this even speaking of the psychology of superiority and inferiority complexes].

In all ways though, is to tell those in Egypt today that, when they do think Europe, it is best to think of it all, and from a Tribal perspective too, and as with this speaking even, and of the Celtic peoples of Europe too that is. Unknown to most an Egyptian too, Celtic culture (and which does readily differ even, and from the Celts too), actually does have many an origin in all, and in Ancient Egypt (Lower Egypt) too that is [and as with the Celtic world in Egypt in all, very much arising with the Egyptian God Thoth actually]. In all, the Celtics and Europe, as very much associated with the world of Elves in Europe, Bagpipes, Europes Storytelling tradition (and as with speak even of Fairy Tales too that is), and finally in all again, and unfortunately too perhaps, the very birth of European Witchcraft too actually [and as with Witchcraft in Europe, very much similar if not the same, and to that seen in Egypt actually].

In all again, when one does think Europe, it is best to think Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland too that is [and not England, France, Germany or the Scandinavia either].

The Abyssinians

The Abyssinians.

There is probably many an Egyptian out there, and who upon coming across this Blog, truly even does wonder what to make of it. In many a way, all this does actually speak of Egyptian History, and through the Times in all too really.

To help understand all this, is to probably speak of an innate facet, of everyday Egyptian life in all. This in all again, does actually refer, and to what they do call a 'Third Voice' actually. That when it does come to just about any Egyptian matter, issue or problem in all, there is often a need for a Third Voice, and inorder to balance things out that is. In many a way too, all this referring to the History of alien presences in all again, and within Egyptian soil too that is.

This History in all again, and of alien presences in Egypt, actually begins in many a way, and with Greek presence in Egypt too, and speak even of the Library at Alexandria that is [and even the city of Heliopolis too]. In all, what actual purpose in all again, did these Greek groups serve in Egypt? In many a way, their presence and as a Third Voice too, did in all ways even have to do with Egyptian Religion actually, and in an Egypt too, highly divided by the kinds of Gods or Goddesses, they did worship in all that is. In all perhaps, and as with the region some do call Lower Egypt (that being towards Cairo obviously), one does see a basic divide in this region, and into two parts in all too even, and as with one part consisting of those who did choose to readily worship Isis even (and speak even of Imhotep too), and as compared to those who readily did choose to worship Osiris in all [and speak even of the Pharaohs of Lower Egypt that is].

To make this History of alien presence even more complex, does in all again, speak actually of Greek/Italian presences in Egypt, and as with this referring even to the History of Thebes Egypt in all too really (and as with further speak even of the Italian originating Arthurian Theban Legion in all), and as with this group too, and as a Third voice in all, responsible for formenting divisions in Egypt, that would eventually truly lead to Egypt as being viewed from the perspective of Lower Egypt, Middle Egypt and Upper Egypt too that is.

This History in many a way continues, and as with speak even of Muslim Caliphate Egypt in all, and the very beginning of the Middle East, readily even interfering in everyday Egyptian lives too, and as with they even serving as a Third Voice in all, and as with regards to Gender, Race, Age and Class issues too [and as with this even speaking of the Middle East in all again, coming to somewhat truly define Modern Egyptian Dress to some extent, and even speak of Egyptian Languages too, and as with speak even of the introduction of Arabic into Egypt too that is].

In many a way too, a further look into this History, does speak of Iraqi Arab presences in Egypt, and as with further speak even of Modern Egypt in all, and who in many a way even and as a Third Voice too, do see Egypt today in all again, and as divided by skin colour too [and as with White put at the top, followed by Brown in all, and finally Black too actually] [and as with this even referring, and to just whose Voice in all, is important, and when it does come to dealing with everyday Egyptian problems that is].

Viewing Egypt from the above perspective, does speak in all ways even, and of the further possibility, and as with basic speak even of just how Egyptians do perceive Reality in all, and as with regards to the Third Voice too, does speak of viewing the Third Voice today in all, and from defining even, what is truly Egyptian, and what is truly not either [and as with all this even, speaking of what the Egyptians have traditionally viewed as being Sacred that is]. In many a way too, all this does refer and to introducing many an Egyptian today, and to the famed region known as Abyssinia too (but as unknown to many a person out there actually), and of the Ethiopian Negus Prester John too actually. In all, what Abyssinia and the Abyssinians can do for Egypt today, and as a Third Voice too, and speak even of this Blog as very much Abyssinian too, is to truly help them define actually, what is truly Egyptian, and what is not [and as with further speak even of not only the Sacred, but also of what does constitute of the term Conquest that is]. In all again, the Abyssinians, as truly capable of helping define Egypt today and as a Third Voice in all, and as with the Abyssinians too, best perceived in all again, and not from the perspective of material wealth either, or even Global presences too, but instead from the very fact that, they are a highly studious people, and in many a way too, can best be represented, and to the average Egyptian out there, and from the very perspective of the 'Amplified Bible' version of the Bible posted above that is. In all again, the Paula Abdul music video posted before, Rush, very much a good example of all this, and as with it even having materiality to it, that could very well fit into Egypt to some extent, and as with it even not fully European or American either, but somewhat in many a way truly Italian actually.

Amir Hamza

Amir Hamza.

There does exist a problem in all, and to be seen in Modern Egypt today. This problem in all again, does have to do and with just how Modern Egyptians in general, do actually define issues pertaining to Gender, Race, Age and Class too [and as with these issues even, having come to strongly define in all, Modern Egypt's regional differences that is]. In many a way too, one finds a historical connection to the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Oman, Jordan and Israel), and as with regards to these issues, and as with the Middle East even, and as with speak of interferences too, coming to somewhat define Gender, Race, Age and Class, and in Egypt today that is.

In all ways even is to tell many an Egyptian today that, when they do think of Gender, Race, Age and Class, and in Egypt today too, and as with regards even and to the Middle East in all, then let them make this connection, and via Pakistan too (it in many a way truly even, a part of the Middle East actually), and as with this furtherly even, speaking of Amir Hamza in all, and as with the work of Amir Hamza, very much interpreted by Pakistanis (and with it in all, actually a Pakistani work, and as with this in all too what Indo-Persian actually does mean), and from the perspective of Ceremony, Rites & Ritual too, but from the Egyptian perspective, an interpretation based around Gender, Race, Age and Class, and as with telling many an Egyptian that, when they do interact with those in the Middle East, let it then be along the lines of Amir Hamza in all [and as with those in the Middle East too, somewhat prone to be violent by nature that is].

Wednesday 9 October 2013



For those living in Egypt today, and as with speak even of the attempt to create Modern Identities in all, there is a question in all again, and who does truly belong in Egypt that is. That in all, and as with speaking of the Traditional and Historical too, true Egyptians, are those who do have their Identities in all again, grounded in Egyptian Shamanism that is. This said too, and for an Egypt today, that does have North African, Middle Eastern and even Arab presences in all, and alongside those who do present themselves as somewhat truly European even, and as with these groups in all again, attempting to represent themselves in all, and as truly Egyptian that is.

The Mummy

The Mummy.

Politics and Egypt today.

Tuesday 8 October 2013



- when those in Egypt today, do in all think and of Consciousness in itself, and as with it all even, truly defined perhaps, and as speaking of said high levels of Self-Awareness too that is, then let it all very much be as said as, associated, and with talk too and of, and of the said Egyptian God, Bastet.



Many an Egyptian today, in many a way too, do not truly know, just what to make of Africa. In many a way really, one has even seen attempts, and by Academics in Egypt too, to in many a way claim that, Egypt is very much even, a part of the Middle East actually, and somewhat connected to the rest of North Africa too. In all though, another attempt to connect Egypt to Africa, does speak in all ways even, and of viewing Africa, and from the very perspective of COMESA [and as with many an Egyptian today, falsely believing South Africa to be the most important Country in Africa and outside Egypt too, when in reality, South Africa is not truly respected, and within Africa, as it has no concrete African Transnational Identity in all that is].

Historically though, Egyptians did view Africa, and from the very lenses only of Nubia and Libya too. In many a way even, this does speak of turbulent times, and as with regards to both regions in all, and as with Libya even, outrightly too, attempting to steal many an Egyptian Political Image in all again, and in many a way too, basically presenting themselves as Egyptians. With Nubia on the otherhand, an attempt in all again, to closely even, associate themselves, and with the Egyptian Gods that is. In all ways even, a situation that does continue to exist, as with Nubia/Sudan today, identifying with Egypt, and as based around their being Islamic in all, and with Libya on the otherhand, an attempt to closely even associate themselves with Egypt in all ways even, and by claiming that modern Libya, is very much truly Arab in its ways [and as with Arab here, basically speaking of Iraq that is]. In many a way too, one does find Egypt in all, attempting to deal with Nubia and Libya, and Historically too, and by very much interacting with them, and as based around Famed or Reknowed Figures in all, and as with speak even of Imhotep too for instance.

In all again though, one does find in Africa that, when one does seek to associate themselves and with just about any other groups of people, one in many a way even, has to change, the very way they do Communicate, and even interact with others too. This is especially true, if someone else does seek to adopt, many a Political Image, that is similar to ones Political Images that is.

In many a way too, and as with speak of Modern Egypt in all, is perhaps to provide the following Counsel. That when Egypt today, does think Africa, it is perhaps best, to think of two places/regions: Nigeria and the region of Ethiopia, Kenya & Somalia (or Abyssinia too, and as some have historically called the region that is). In all, this is stated because, these two regions/places, are the most culturally active/dynamic in Africa today, and this said too, and from more or less a Religious perspective, and not a Political one either. In all again, to summarize Africa as such, and for the Egyptian today, and who does not care to know Africa too much, is to tell them that, those in Nigeria, are very much similar to the Nigerian God OKO, while those in Abyssinia, are very much similar, and to Jesus, and in the form of  'the Lamb of God' that is. In all ways too, a good way to judge peoples from both regions/places, and in many a way too, both regions even, as serving as a connection, and to the rest of Africa too that is.  

Monday 7 October 2013



- this post in many a way, speaks of a problem and that does plague Egypt today. It in many a way too, does have to do, and with seeking out Happiness in ones everyday life too. That while Egypt politically, is ruled over today, and by groups who do present themselves, as either being Arab, Middle Eastern / Saudi, or even European too [and as with this speaking of Elitism, and in Egypt today too], however though, when it does come to seeking out Happiness, many an Egyptian in all, and today too, does in all ways even perceive Happiness in all again, and in an American fashion too that is [and as with even the very use, of American speech patterns, and in not only speaking English, but also, in speaking Arabic in all, and in all too, the creating even of many a relationship, and in an American fashion too that is].

However though, is to tell many an Egyptian today that, Happiness in Egypt, has always been defined, and from the perspective of creating Intimacy. In many a way too, Egyptians as even living, the most intimate of lives, but this in all ways even, speaking of treachery too, and as an everyday Egyptian reality that is. In all, the above music video by Paula Abdul, very much capturing what Intimacy in Egypt is truly really like, and as with speak even, and of the search for Happiness, and in everyday Egyptian lives that is.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Modern Egyptian Symbolism

Modern Egyptian Symbolism.

To speak of Modern Egyptian Symbolism in all, is to in all ways even speak of just whom Egyptians today in all again, are, and as with regards to conceptualizing Power, Might and Authority too. In all, what does truly represent Power, Might and Authority in Egypt today, and as with many a Modern Egyptian Symbol in all, emanating from the Arab World, and as connecting Egypt today and the Middle East too, while other Modern Egyptian Symbols in all, do speak of Egyptians today conceptualizing Power, Might and Authority, and along French/European modes in all. In all again, the very way one does conceptualize Power, Might and Authority, also speaks of just what kinds of problems, political and social even, are to be seen in a society in all, and due to presenting oneself, and in a certain respectful manner too, but adversely even, creating commotion in all, and as with telling others that, they are not you in all that is.

In all ways even, is to tell many a Modern Egyptian that, when they do think of Symbolism in all, and in Egypt today, and one that does truly represent Power, Might and Authority in Egypt today too, and as with these conceptualizations, not adversely affecting the state of mind of many an Egyptian today that is (and by asking them to look up at one respectfully, but view themselves in all again, and in a different light too), is to in all ways even state that, Modern Egyptian Symbolism in all, and as with it truly representative of all Egyptians today, and also as creating peaceful, loving and harmonious relations and between all Egyptians too, should very much be along the lines, and of Symbolism, and as seen in Coptic Christianity that is.



When we do speak of Rituals and Egypt, and as with speak even of its ancient past, we are not talking of creating rituals in all, and so as to particularly create bonds with our fellow human beings in all (and as is true for most parts of the World and outside Africa too), but instead rituals in all, and as often used to create Regional or even National Identities too.

In many a way, Egypt today does find itself having rituals, and in the attempt to create National Identities too, and as coming in from the Middle East (and as with smoking shishe for instance), or even as coming in from Europe (and as with visiting a Restaurant more often than not that is).

Creating rituals for Modern day Egyptians though, is not the easiest thing to do. One in all ways even, has to truly ponder what does constitute a Modern Egyptian National Identity in all, but that in all ways even, the very use of rituals, and in Egypt today, as a way of creating Nationalistic Identities, and as with Modern Egyptians viewing themselves similar to peoples outside Egypt in all, and as with the case too, of building Coffee Houses all over Egypt even, uniting Egypt in many a way, and with Turkey too, and as with regards to the creation of Nationalistic Identities that is.

Finally, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and as a work emanating from 21st Dynasty Egypt, and one that can in all ways even, simply serve as an inspiration and for the creation of many a ritual, to in all create Egyptian Regional, National and Nationalistic Identities too, and by simply reading into it (and simply being inspired to come up with a ritual of a kind too that is). 

Egyptian Ancestor Worship/Veneration

Egyptian Ancestor Worship/Veneration.

Egyptian Humour

Egyptian Humour.

For those living in Egypt today, and as with further speak even, and of Egyptian Media in all, is to perhaps attempt to speak on just how to live out a Life in Egypt today. That traditionally, there have been three basic tracts, and by which one could seek in all, to live out a life to the fullest. The first tract in all, does speak of the name Egypt, while the second speaks of the name Aegyptus, and with the third speaking of the name Aegypt too.

The name Egypt in many a way, can traditionally or historically even, be associated with Pharaonic structures seen all over Egypt in all, and in all ways even, do speak of Egyptians in all again, and as seeking to live out lives, and as based around Images of Respect that is. In all, a way of life highly proselytized in all again, and to Modern Egyptians, and by former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, but with the Images of Respect associated with him, very much Arab in their ways, and not truly Egyptian either. For the Modern Egyptian though is to probably tell one, when one does think of Images of Respect, then it is best to associate them all, and with Images of Respect too, and as seen in the world of Ramesses that is (and 19th Dynasty Egypt too actually).

The name Aegyptus on the otherhand, does speak in all ways even, and of living life in Egypt, and as based around being a Famed Figure actually. It in all ways even, it does speak in all and of the current Political turmoil, that Egypt today faces, and as with speak of President Mohamed Morsi, and in all ways even, speaks of Egypt today, as being governed in all, and by famed figures too, and as seen in Egyptian Media/Television that is, and figures too, very much Middle Eastern and even Saudi in their ways. In all is to tell many an Egyptian that, when they do think Famed Figures and Egyptian History, is to in many a way even forget the name Imhotep, and associate Famed Figures in all, and with Tutankhamun that is. 

Thirdly, the name Aegypt, and as speaking truly of the Egyptian Gods in all. In all again, a way of living life in Modern Egypt somewhat associated with former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. In all too, this speaking truly even of being Historically Egyptian in all, and an Identity unknown to most Egyptians today, but in all ways too, it can be said that when Egyptians today do think of the Egyptian Gods, it is best to think Horus (or any other God/Goddess similar to Horus that is). In all Horus too, and as the all seeing eye, and speak even of simply being aware, and of just what in all is going on, and in just about any place too that is.

In all again, the first tract, Images of Respect, and the name Egypt, as associated in all, and with what one could call ones Inner Self, and as with this speaking even, of truly deciphering, just how one does feel about anything, and then truly acting on those feelings [and as with attempting to bring change to Egypt, and at a local level even]. The second tract, Famed Figures, and speak of the name Aegyptus, and as truly in all again, associated with what one could call Intuitive Thought that is. The third tract, Egyptian Gods, and speak of the name Aegypt, and speak in all ways even, and of developing ones Inner Voice, and as with this speaking even, of simply being instinctively aware, and of any danger or hazard even, and that could comes ones way in all, and on attempting to do anything that is.

In all again perhaps, is to tell many an Egyptian that, the three tracts described above, are the only way to live life in Egypt today (and as seen Historically too), but that what in many a way, does make one fully Egyptian, is the mastering of Egyptian Humour in all, and as with most Egyptians today, North African by Humour that is. To speak of Humour though, is to at the very least speak of seeing something as it truly is, and in many a way even, is to state that, mastering the above three ways of living, does speak of them ruled over, and by Egyptian Humour too, and on a daily and everyday basis that is. A Humour in all again, absent from the World today, and as with Greek, Italian and European Humour even, more or less prevalent all over, but a Humour too in all, truly ancient in its ways, as with it even having come to define the old World, and in a rather memorable way too. In all again, a Humour truly needed in the World today, and as with attempting to connect most in the World, and with the ancient past even, and in all ways even, does speak of Egypt today, becoming a Global Media Powerhouse, and as based around this Humour in all. In all truly even, and as mentioned before, a Humour largely missing from the World today, but one that can be accessed, and via the works of Emily Dickinson in all, but in all ways even, the very Humour used, in writing the work the Gold Cook Book and by Louis P. de Gouy, and as with even attempting to convince many an Egyptian today, to actually read this book in its entirety (the Gold Cook Book), and as one would read a text, and as with it even not only programming one with this Egyptian Humour, but that in all ways even stating that, Egyptian problems in many a way, do actually require a Recipe oriented solution, and as with speak even of at the very least bringing together the right people, to solve a problem that is [that in all, reading this work, will program one with many a pattern in all, Recipe oriented too, and in helping solve any problem in Egypt today, and as compared to Western methods of solving a problem on a daily basis, and that does speak of the attempt to find a direct solution to any problem that is] [In all too, the use of the Recipe, and as a way of solving problems in Egyptian History, arising with the very World, and of New Kingdom Egypt that is].

Finally, is to speak in all ways even of, just whom Modern Egyptians in all, truly are, and within Egypt today that is. That Egypt, the Land of the Pharaohs, does in all ways even ask of one, to truly ponder even, just how in all again, they do actualize their presence in Egypt, and as with this speaking even, and of perceiving Egyptian History, and from the perspective of the Egyptian Memory, and speak even of leaving ones Presence in all, and so as to be felt through out Egyptian History that is [and as with speak even of the Sphinx, the Pyramids at Gaza, or even the Temple at Abu Simbel too]. A difficult question for the Modern Egyptian, how to leave their Presence and for all time too, and in Egypt too, and as with perhaps telling many an Egyptian that, the best way to do this in all, would be to engage in stringent Ancestor Worship and Veneration, and of the Egyptian Ancestors too, and as with truly even attempting to relive past Egyptian lives/memories, and in a Modern setting too that is. In all, a good way of creating an Egyptian Memory, and an eternal Presence too actually.

Saturday 5 October 2013

Egyptian Ethnography

Egyptian Ethnography.

To speak of Ethnography, is to in many a way even, speak of just whom in all, we are as everyday beings, and as with regards even, to psychological states, or even belief systems too. For many in Egypt today, Ethnography in many a way, has very much come to be associated with the very realm of Isis in all (and as with speak even of Blavatsky's Isis Unveiled), and in many a way too, a way of everyday living, where many an Egyptian today in all again, are very much betrothed actually, and to the Women in their lives [this meaning, behaving in strict accordance even, and as with regards to Women in Egyptian society, and as with attempting even, to simply please them, and as with regards even, to their views on life, ways of living and even relationships/interactions of choice that is].

In all though, for those an Egyptian interested in this Blog, is to first tell them that, Ethnography in Egypt today, and as with regards even to belief systems and psychological states too, can truly even be rather Localized actually, and as with asking Egyptians in all, to very much start viewing their lives, and from a localized perspective too, and as versus a National or City-wide perspective that is. In all again, this simply speaks of developing belief systems and psychological states too, and as with speak even of how to simply view life, or even how to engage in simplistic relationships/interactions in all (and as versus those deemed worthwhile or satisfying even), and that in all again, life in Egypt is pretty best lived at Localized level in all, and as compared to modern Egyptian Ethnography, and very much having Isis at its core, and that has Egyptians viewing themselves, connected in all and to the rest of North Africa, the Middle East and even Central Asia too. In all, such mentalities and views of Egyptian life in all again, and as connected to North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia too, are rather problematic in all and as with regards to Identity creation, and that Identity creation in Egypt today, and in the past too, and as with it even Ethnographic in nature and speak even of psychological states and everyday belief systems too, is primarily best viewed, and from a localized perspective, and before taking the rest of the World in all, and into account that is.

In all again, the works of Blavatsky, the Secret Doctrine and the Key to Theosophy, deemed rather helpful even, and to many an Egyptian today, and as with regards to Ethnography, as Egypt in all, while a part of Africa, has always had a unique History to itself, and that the above works by Blavatsky, can help many an Egyptian today, reconnect to the Egyptian past, and at the very least, from an Ethnographic perspective [or speak simply of developing belief systems in all, everyday too, or even psychological states that is, similar to those seen in the Egyptian past, and as with they even deemed superior to modern psychological states in all, and as with the belief even, the ancients, were in all rather optimistic about themselves and their lives, and on an everyday basis too that is].

Ruth & Esther

Ruth & Esther.

Gender Creation and Egypt:

There is probably, a problem in all, and of just how to go about creating Gender based Identities, and relations too, and within Egypt today that is. That for many a man in Egypt today, how they do perceive themselves as men in all, very much has to do, and with how Women in Egypt today too, do view themselves as feminine beings in all. That in all again, some in all, Women in Egypt that is, do view themselves as somewhat European, others as somewhat Middle Eastern, yet others as simply being Egyptian in all, and as with speak of Gender in Muslim Caliphate Egypt too.

For those in Egypt today though, the men that is, is to tell them that their Women, and as truly Egyptian even, should more or less be like Ruth and Esther, and as seen in the Bible too that is.

The Egyptian Voice

The Egyptian Voice.

- and as with the above video (Like a Prayer), speaking of shock and exclaim, and in everyday Egyptian life, and through out Egyptian History in all.

the Egyptian Memory

the Egyptian Memory.

Meatloaf ------ Not A Dry Eye.

Aegypt: Land of the Gods

Aegypt: Land of the Gods.

Aegyptus: Land of the Nile

Aegyptus: Land of the Nile

Egypt: Land of the Pharaohs

Egypt: Land of the Pharaohs