Saturday 5 October 2013

Egyptian Ethnography

Egyptian Ethnography.

To speak of Ethnography, is to in many a way even, speak of just whom in all, we are as everyday beings, and as with regards even, to psychological states, or even belief systems too. For many in Egypt today, Ethnography in many a way, has very much come to be associated with the very realm of Isis in all (and as with speak even of Blavatsky's Isis Unveiled), and in many a way too, a way of everyday living, where many an Egyptian today in all again, are very much betrothed actually, and to the Women in their lives [this meaning, behaving in strict accordance even, and as with regards to Women in Egyptian society, and as with attempting even, to simply please them, and as with regards even, to their views on life, ways of living and even relationships/interactions of choice that is].

In all though, for those an Egyptian interested in this Blog, is to first tell them that, Ethnography in Egypt today, and as with regards even to belief systems and psychological states too, can truly even be rather Localized actually, and as with asking Egyptians in all, to very much start viewing their lives, and from a localized perspective too, and as versus a National or City-wide perspective that is. In all again, this simply speaks of developing belief systems and psychological states too, and as with speak even of how to simply view life, or even how to engage in simplistic relationships/interactions in all (and as versus those deemed worthwhile or satisfying even), and that in all again, life in Egypt is pretty best lived at Localized level in all, and as compared to modern Egyptian Ethnography, and very much having Isis at its core, and that has Egyptians viewing themselves, connected in all and to the rest of North Africa, the Middle East and even Central Asia too. In all, such mentalities and views of Egyptian life in all again, and as connected to North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia too, are rather problematic in all and as with regards to Identity creation, and that Identity creation in Egypt today, and in the past too, and as with it even Ethnographic in nature and speak even of psychological states and everyday belief systems too, is primarily best viewed, and from a localized perspective, and before taking the rest of the World in all, and into account that is.

In all again, the works of Blavatsky, the Secret Doctrine and the Key to Theosophy, deemed rather helpful even, and to many an Egyptian today, and as with regards to Ethnography, as Egypt in all, while a part of Africa, has always had a unique History to itself, and that the above works by Blavatsky, can help many an Egyptian today, reconnect to the Egyptian past, and at the very least, from an Ethnographic perspective [or speak simply of developing belief systems in all, everyday too, or even psychological states that is, similar to those seen in the Egyptian past, and as with they even deemed superior to modern psychological states in all, and as with the belief even, the ancients, were in all rather optimistic about themselves and their lives, and on an everyday basis too that is].