Thursday 10 October 2013



There are those in Egypt today, and who do truly wonder what to make of Europe in all. In many a way too, they readily even view Europe, and from the perspective of Paris/France, Frankfurt/Germany and even London/England too. This though, is not the best way for many an Egyptian today, to view Europe in all, as it in all ways even, speaks in all ways too, and of just how Egyptians today, perceive themselves from the very perspective of Background/Employment, Education and even Society/Entertainment too [and as with this even speaking of the psychology of superiority and inferiority complexes].

In all ways though, is to tell those in Egypt today that, when they do think Europe, it is best to think of it all, and from a Tribal perspective too, and as with this speaking even, and of the Celtic peoples of Europe too that is. Unknown to most an Egyptian too, Celtic culture (and which does readily differ even, and from the Celts too), actually does have many an origin in all, and in Ancient Egypt (Lower Egypt) too that is [and as with the Celtic world in Egypt in all, very much arising with the Egyptian God Thoth actually]. In all, the Celtics and Europe, as very much associated with the world of Elves in Europe, Bagpipes, Europes Storytelling tradition (and as with speak even of Fairy Tales too that is), and finally in all again, and unfortunately too perhaps, the very birth of European Witchcraft too actually [and as with Witchcraft in Europe, very much similar if not the same, and to that seen in Egypt actually].

In all again, when one does think Europe, it is best to think Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland too that is [and not England, France, Germany or the Scandinavia either].