Friday 11 October 2013

The Sacred

The Sacred.

When we do speak of the Sacred, we are in many a way speaking of viewing the Human in all again, and from the very perspective even, and of a Comparative and Comprehensive Psychology too. This in all ways even, Comparative and Comprehensive, and as with regards to the Sacred too, speaks of what we truly believe to be True, and also what we truly believe to be Valid in all, and respectively speaking too that is.

In all ways even, a question, that of the Sacred too, that does truly even define in all again, Egyptian lives and as seen today too, and as with asking even, what it means to be Egyptian today (Politically speaking that is), how one in all feels about their Realities (and as with speak even of Good & Evil), and also what it means to be Alive that is (and as with this even referring to just how Egyptians today in all, do actually perceive Death, and further speak even, and of Awareness in itself too actually).

In all, when one does think of the Sacred and in Egypt today, let it all then be associated, and with the very world of Thebes Egypt too actually (and speak of Luxor specifically too).