Thursday 10 October 2013

The Abyssinians

The Abyssinians.

There is probably many an Egyptian out there, and who upon coming across this Blog, truly even does wonder what to make of it. In many a way, all this does actually speak of Egyptian History, and through the Times in all too really.

To help understand all this, is to probably speak of an innate facet, of everyday Egyptian life in all. This in all again, does actually refer, and to what they do call a 'Third Voice' actually. That when it does come to just about any Egyptian matter, issue or problem in all, there is often a need for a Third Voice, and inorder to balance things out that is. In many a way too, all this referring to the History of alien presences in all again, and within Egyptian soil too that is.

This History in all again, and of alien presences in Egypt, actually begins in many a way, and with Greek presence in Egypt too, and speak even of the Library at Alexandria that is [and even the city of Heliopolis too]. In all, what actual purpose in all again, did these Greek groups serve in Egypt? In many a way, their presence and as a Third Voice too, did in all ways even have to do with Egyptian Religion actually, and in an Egypt too, highly divided by the kinds of Gods or Goddesses, they did worship in all that is. In all perhaps, and as with the region some do call Lower Egypt (that being towards Cairo obviously), one does see a basic divide in this region, and into two parts in all too even, and as with one part consisting of those who did choose to readily worship Isis even (and speak even of Imhotep too), and as compared to those who readily did choose to worship Osiris in all [and speak even of the Pharaohs of Lower Egypt that is].

To make this History of alien presence even more complex, does in all again, speak actually of Greek/Italian presences in Egypt, and as with this referring even to the History of Thebes Egypt in all too really (and as with further speak even of the Italian originating Arthurian Theban Legion in all), and as with this group too, and as a Third voice in all, responsible for formenting divisions in Egypt, that would eventually truly lead to Egypt as being viewed from the perspective of Lower Egypt, Middle Egypt and Upper Egypt too that is.

This History in many a way continues, and as with speak even of Muslim Caliphate Egypt in all, and the very beginning of the Middle East, readily even interfering in everyday Egyptian lives too, and as with they even serving as a Third Voice in all, and as with regards to Gender, Race, Age and Class issues too [and as with this even speaking of the Middle East in all again, coming to somewhat truly define Modern Egyptian Dress to some extent, and even speak of Egyptian Languages too, and as with speak even of the introduction of Arabic into Egypt too that is].

In many a way too, a further look into this History, does speak of Iraqi Arab presences in Egypt, and as with further speak even of Modern Egypt in all, and who in many a way even and as a Third Voice too, do see Egypt today in all again, and as divided by skin colour too [and as with White put at the top, followed by Brown in all, and finally Black too actually] [and as with this even referring, and to just whose Voice in all, is important, and when it does come to dealing with everyday Egyptian problems that is].

Viewing Egypt from the above perspective, does speak in all ways even, and of the further possibility, and as with basic speak even of just how Egyptians do perceive Reality in all, and as with regards to the Third Voice too, does speak of viewing the Third Voice today in all, and from defining even, what is truly Egyptian, and what is truly not either [and as with all this even, speaking of what the Egyptians have traditionally viewed as being Sacred that is]. In many a way too, all this does refer and to introducing many an Egyptian today, and to the famed region known as Abyssinia too (but as unknown to many a person out there actually), and of the Ethiopian Negus Prester John too actually. In all, what Abyssinia and the Abyssinians can do for Egypt today, and as a Third Voice too, and speak even of this Blog as very much Abyssinian too, is to truly help them define actually, what is truly Egyptian, and what is not [and as with further speak even of not only the Sacred, but also of what does constitute of the term Conquest that is]. In all again, the Abyssinians, as truly capable of helping define Egypt today and as a Third Voice in all, and as with the Abyssinians too, best perceived in all again, and not from the perspective of material wealth either, or even Global presences too, but instead from the very fact that, they are a highly studious people, and in many a way too, can best be represented, and to the average Egyptian out there, and from the very perspective of the 'Amplified Bible' version of the Bible posted above that is. In all again, the Paula Abdul music video posted before, Rush, very much a good example of all this, and as with it even having materiality to it, that could very well fit into Egypt to some extent, and as with it even not fully European or American either, but somewhat in many a way truly Italian actually.