Tuesday 8 October 2013



Many an Egyptian today, in many a way too, do not truly know, just what to make of Africa. In many a way really, one has even seen attempts, and by Academics in Egypt too, to in many a way claim that, Egypt is very much even, a part of the Middle East actually, and somewhat connected to the rest of North Africa too. In all though, another attempt to connect Egypt to Africa, does speak in all ways even, and of viewing Africa, and from the very perspective of COMESA [and as with many an Egyptian today, falsely believing South Africa to be the most important Country in Africa and outside Egypt too, when in reality, South Africa is not truly respected, and within Africa, as it has no concrete African Transnational Identity in all that is].

Historically though, Egyptians did view Africa, and from the very lenses only of Nubia and Libya too. In many a way even, this does speak of turbulent times, and as with regards to both regions in all, and as with Libya even, outrightly too, attempting to steal many an Egyptian Political Image in all again, and in many a way too, basically presenting themselves as Egyptians. With Nubia on the otherhand, an attempt in all again, to closely even, associate themselves, and with the Egyptian Gods that is. In all ways even, a situation that does continue to exist, as with Nubia/Sudan today, identifying with Egypt, and as based around their being Islamic in all, and with Libya on the otherhand, an attempt to closely even associate themselves with Egypt in all ways even, and by claiming that modern Libya, is very much truly Arab in its ways [and as with Arab here, basically speaking of Iraq that is]. In many a way too, one does find Egypt in all, attempting to deal with Nubia and Libya, and Historically too, and by very much interacting with them, and as based around Famed or Reknowed Figures in all, and as with speak even of Imhotep too for instance.

In all again though, one does find in Africa that, when one does seek to associate themselves and with just about any other groups of people, one in many a way even, has to change, the very way they do Communicate, and even interact with others too. This is especially true, if someone else does seek to adopt, many a Political Image, that is similar to ones Political Images that is.

In many a way too, and as with speak of Modern Egypt in all, is perhaps to provide the following Counsel. That when Egypt today, does think Africa, it is perhaps best, to think of two places/regions: Nigeria and the region of Ethiopia, Kenya & Somalia (or Abyssinia too, and as some have historically called the region that is). In all, this is stated because, these two regions/places, are the most culturally active/dynamic in Africa today, and this said too, and from more or less a Religious perspective, and not a Political one either. In all again, to summarize Africa as such, and for the Egyptian today, and who does not care to know Africa too much, is to tell them that, those in Nigeria, are very much similar to the Nigerian God OKO, while those in Abyssinia, are very much similar, and to Jesus, and in the form of  'the Lamb of God' that is. In all ways too, a good way to judge peoples from both regions/places, and in many a way too, both regions even, as serving as a connection, and to the rest of Africa too that is.