Sunday 6 October 2013



When we do speak of Rituals and Egypt, and as with speak even of its ancient past, we are not talking of creating rituals in all, and so as to particularly create bonds with our fellow human beings in all (and as is true for most parts of the World and outside Africa too), but instead rituals in all, and as often used to create Regional or even National Identities too.

In many a way, Egypt today does find itself having rituals, and in the attempt to create National Identities too, and as coming in from the Middle East (and as with smoking shishe for instance), or even as coming in from Europe (and as with visiting a Restaurant more often than not that is).

Creating rituals for Modern day Egyptians though, is not the easiest thing to do. One in all ways even, has to truly ponder what does constitute a Modern Egyptian National Identity in all, but that in all ways even, the very use of rituals, and in Egypt today, as a way of creating Nationalistic Identities, and as with Modern Egyptians viewing themselves similar to peoples outside Egypt in all, and as with the case too, of building Coffee Houses all over Egypt even, uniting Egypt in many a way, and with Turkey too, and as with regards to the creation of Nationalistic Identities that is.

Finally, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and as a work emanating from 21st Dynasty Egypt, and one that can in all ways even, simply serve as an inspiration and for the creation of many a ritual, to in all create Egyptian Regional, National and Nationalistic Identities too, and by simply reading into it (and simply being inspired to come up with a ritual of a kind too that is).